Containerised Hosting [2/3]: Webmin, Portainer, Traefik and More

Hello Everybody! Tansanrao here, Welcome to part 2 of the Containerised Hosting series, today we will be setting up some global services to provide management interfaces on your server.

Here’s everything you will have setup by the end of this tutorial:

  • Docker Compose
  • Webmin Management Interface
  • Portainer UI for Docker
  • Traefik Edge Router for routing traffic to containers

Let’s get started!

Step 1 - Install Docker Compose

You can install docker-compose by fetching the latest release from the compose repository on GitHub. Follow the instructions below to set it up.

sudo curl -L "$(uname -s)-$(uname -m)" -o /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
If you have problems installing with curl, make sure you have curl installed, if not follow the command below to set it up and then try the above command again.
sudo apt install curl

Now, Apply execute permissions to the binary with:

sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/docker-compose

Check to make sure you have docker-compose working by executing it

docker-compose --version

Step 2- Installing Webmin

First you need to update your server’s package index.

sudo apt update

Then we add the Webmin repository to so that we can install and update Webmin using apt package manager. We do this by adding the repository to the /etc/apt/sources.list file.

Open the file in your preferred editor. Here, we’ll use nano:

sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list

Then add the following line to the bottom of the file to add the new repository.

. . .

deb sarge contrib

Save the file and exit the editor. If you used nano, do so by pressing CTRL+X, Y, then ENTER.

Next, you’ll add the Webmin PGP key so that your system will trust the new repository.

Download the Webmin PGP key with wget and add it to your system’s list of keys:

wget -q -O- | sudo apt-key add

Update the list of packages again in order to include the Webmin repository:

sudo apt update

Then we install Webmin:

sudo apt install webmin

At the end of the install process, you will get the following output:

Webmin install complete. You can now login to 
https://your_server:10000 as root with your 
root password, or as any user who can use sudo.

To be able to access it, we need to configure ufw to allow traffic to port 10000.

sudo ufw allow 10000

Next, Navigate to https://your_domain:10000 in your web browser, replacing your_domain with the domain name pointing to your server’s IP address, or the server’s IP address itself.

Note: When logging in for the first time, you will see an “Invalid SSL” warning. This warning may say something different depending on your browser, but the reason for it is that the server has generated a self-signed certificate. Allow the exception and proceed, we will be securing this soon.

You’ll be presented with a login screen. Sign in with the non-root user you created in the first part of this tutorial.

Once you log in, the first screen you will see is the Webmin dashboard. You now have to set the server’s hostname. Look for the System hostname field and click on the link to the right, as shown in the following figure:

This will take you to the Hostname and DNS Client page. Locate the Hostname field, and enter your Fully-Qualified Domain Name into the field. Then click the Save button at the bottom of the page to apply the setting.

Done! You have now setup Webmin on your server.

Step 3 - Creating the Global Infrastructure Stack

Here we will be working with docker-compose files to define the container stacks for our infrastructure.

I recommend creating a git repository to make maintaining these configs easier.

I will be linking a repo for this tutorial at the end of the post, feel free to create a fork and modify it to test it out.

In your git repo, create a directory called global, inside which all the config files for our global services will live.

mkdir global
cd global

Now we create our docker-compose file.

touch docker-compose.yml

Docker Compose Stack

Open it with nano or your favourite text editor.

nano docker-compose.yml

Here we define our first service and the networks and volumes used by the services. Let’s begin with Traefik.

version: "3.3"

    image: "traefik:v2.2"
    container_name: "traefik"
    restart: always
      - "80:80"
      - "443:443"
      - "8080:8080"
      - "letsencrypt:/letsencrypt"
      - "/var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock:ro"
      - "${PWD}/traefik.toml:/etc/traefik/traefik.toml"
      - "${PWD}/dynamic.toml:/etc/traefik/dynamic.toml"
      - internal
      - traefik-public


    external: true
    external: false

Save the file and exit the editor.

Okay there’s a lot of stuff going on in there, Let’s break it down.

First we define the version number of the docker-compose specification. In this case we will be using version 3.3 of the docker-compose spec.

Next we define the Traefik service under the services key. The image key contains the reference and tag from the docker registry where we fetch the images, in this case, it is traefik:v2.2 from DockerHub.

Then we give it a container name with the container_name key. And we specify a restart policy using the restart key. Here we are using the restart policy of always to ensure that all our global services auto-restart on failure.

Next we use the ports key to define the mapping between host ports and container ports. This allows traffic from out host server to flow into and out of the docker container. Every pair is defined as host_port:container_port and is passed to the ports key in the form of an array.

Next we have the volumes key, we pass an array of mappings between a docker volume or file on the host and the mount-point for it in the container. This is defined as docker-volume_or_file:/mount/point/in/container

Then we define the networks that the container belongs to, here we attach it to two bridge networks, one called internal and one called traefik-public. internal as it’s name suggests, handles internal communication between all the containers that are a part of the global stack I.e. this docker-compose file. Whereas, traefik-public is an external network which contains all the containers that need to be exposed to the internet via the Traefik edge router, irrespective of what stack they belong to.

You will learn more about why we follow such a network architecture in Part 3 of this tutorial so be sure to check it out after this.

That brings to the end of defining the Traefik service, we also created two sections at the end of the file named volumes and networks. Here, We define the named volumes we use as part of the stack under volumes and the networks we use in the stack under networks.

Now the keen eyed ones among you may have noticed, we are binding three files under the volumes part of the traefik service.

The first, /var/run/docker.sock is the Docker socket which exposes the Docker API to Traefik allowing it to discover and load configurations from other Docker containers. We bind this with read-only permissions.

Next we have the traefik.toml file. This is the static configuration file for Traefik. Let’s create one!

Traefik Static Configuration File

Start by creating the traefik.toml file in the global directory:

touch traefik.toml

Open the file:

nano traefik.toml

And paste the following config into it:

  checkNewVersion = true
  sendAnonymousUsage = true

    address = ":80"

    address = ":443"

  insecure = true

# Enable Docker configuration backend
    exposedByDefault = false

# Enable File Provider
    filename = "/etc/traefik/dynamic.toml"

# Enable ACME (Let's Encrypt): automatic SSL.

  # Email address used for registration.
  # Required
  email = ""

  # File or key used for certificates storage.
  # Required
  storage = "/letsencrypt/acme.json"

  # CA server to use.
  # Uncomment the line to use Let's Encrypt's staging server,
  # leave commented to go to prod.
  # Optional
  # Default: ""
  # caServer = ""

    # EntryPoint to use for the HTTP-01 challenges.
    # Required
    entryPoint = "web"

Save the file and exit the editor.

This is a lot, and explaining everything here is outside the scope of this series, but I will try my best to give you a clear understanding of what is going on here.

Traefik requires 2 different configurations, a static configuration and a dynamic configuration. The static configuration is responsible for all the Traefik related configuration. The dynamic configuration defines the routers, services, middleware and other dynamic properties of a router. Dynamic Configurations can be loaded from multiple providers such as, Docker, Kubernetes, File, Consul, Marathon, Rancher, etc.

Now, let’s begin breaking down the traefik.toml static configuration.

Under the global key, we define global parameters like usage data, update checking, etc. Next, we define entry points to the router under the entryPoints key. We define two entry points named web and websecure respectively. The web entry point handles http data on port 80, this is a non SSL/TLS entry point, and for the most part, we only use this to respond to the initial request with a redirect to HTTPS. The websecure entry point handles HTTPS SSL/TLS traffic on port 443.

Next we set api.insecure to true which allows us to access the web dashboard.

We then move onto declaring our providers for the Dynamic Configuration. We enable the Docker provider by adding the [providers.docker] key under which we configure the docker provider to not be exposed to the public by default. This is done by setting exposedByDefault to false. This publishes only containers that are tagged with the traefik.enable label (more on labels later in this post).

We also enable the File provider and by passing it the path to dynamic.toml under the [providers.file] key.

Next we configure the email and storage for the Lets Encrypt resolver under the key certificatesResolvers.myresolver.acme. This allows us to use the certificate resolver myresolver to automatically complete a Let’s Encrypt Challenge and attach a certificate to your router on the SSL entry point websecure.

For a more detailed breakdown of how TOML files work and all the other options that Traefik provides, refer the official docs.

Traefik Dynamic Configuration

Start by creating the dynamic.toml file in the global directory:

touch dynamic.toml

Open the file:

nano dynamic.toml

Now paste the following config into it:

      minVersion = "VersionTLS12"
      preferServerCipherSuites = true
      sniStrict = true
      cipherSuites = [
      curvePreferences = [

        browserXssFilter= true
        contentTypeNosniff= true
        sslRedirect= true
    #HSTS Configuration

    #Set this to false if you want to exclude subdomains from HSTS

    #Set this to true if you want to add your domain to the hstspreload list.
    #This operation is very difficult and time consuming if not impossible to revert.
    #Make sure you read the explanation and do your research properly.
        stsPreload= false
        stsSeconds= 15768000

Save the file and exit the editor.

HSTS Headers have long term effects, please read the comments and everything below carefully and then make the necessary changes to the config before continuing.

Okay now this config has even more going on than before, but I’ll try my best to make it simple. We are defining two things here. A middleware that appends Security related headers to all the responses, and we are configuring options for the TLS entry point to tighten up security and support only select strong ciphers. To ensure good Security on the HTTPS side of things.

Under the tls.options key. We set the minimum supported version to TLS1.2 and we tell the client to honour server Cipher preferences. We also set the SNI check to strict. SNI stands for Server Name Indication. It is an extension to the Transport Layer Security computer networking protocol by which a client indicates which hostname it is attempting to connect to at the start of the handshaking process.

With strict SNI checking enabled, Traefik won't allow connections from clients that do not specify a server_name extension or don't match any certificate configured on the tlsOption.

Next we define the cipher suites that we want to support explicitly to prevent weak ciphers from being used. The above config uses the Mozilla recommended Intermediate configuration defined here.

Moving onto the security headers, the middleware secHeaders appends the XSS Filter, X-Content-Type-Options, SSL Redirection and HSTS Headers.

Cross-site scripting (XSS) is a type of security vulnerability typically found in web applications. XSS attacks enable attackers to inject client-side scripts into web pages viewed by other users. A cross-site scripting vulnerability may be used by attackers to bypass access controls such as the same-origin policy. XSS filters work by finding typical patterns that may be used as XSS attack vectors and removing such code fragments from user input data.

The X-Content-Type-Options header is used to protect against MIME sniffing vulnerabilities. These vulnerabilities can occur when a website allows users to upload content to a website however the user disguises a particular file type as something else. This can give them the opportunity to perform cross-site scripting and compromise the website. We set it to nosniff to indicate to browsers that they are not supposed to perform MIME Sniffing.

SSL Redirection Header does what it says, it asks the browser to access the website over HTTPS.

HSTS stands for Http Strict-Transport-Security, The HTTP Strict Transport Security header informs the browser that it should never load a site using HTTP and should automatically convert all attempts to access the site using HTTP to HTTPS requests instead.

Note: The Strict-Transport-Security header is ignored by the browser when your site is accessed using HTTP; this is because an attacker may intercept HTTP connections and inject the header or remove it. When your site is accessed over HTTPS with no certificate errors, the browser knows your site is HTTPS capable and will honour the Strict-Transport-Security header.

Google maintains an HSTS preload service. By following the guidelines and successfully submitting your domain, browsers will never connect to your domain using an insecure connection. If the preload header defined above is set to true, it submits your website to the preload list, which will force all subdomains to be loaded over https only. This will cause issues if you are trying to serve something over HTTP. So exercise the utmost caution before enabling it.

That’s It! The difficult part is done.

Now we move onto defining Portainer and routing Webmin through Traefik.

Portainer Configuration

We now go back to the docker-compose.yml file.

nano docker-compose.yml 

We then add the following under the services: key.

  # Traefik Configuration was here

    image: portainer/portainer
    command: -H unix:///var/run/docker.sock
    restart: always
      - 9000:9000
      - 8000:8000
      - /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock
      - portainer_data:/data
      - traefik.enable=true
      - traefik.http.middlewares.portainer-redirect-websecure.redirectscheme.scheme=https
      - traefik.http.routers.portainer-web.rule=Host(``)
      - traefik.http.routers.portainer-web.entrypoints=web
      - traefik.http.routers.portainer-web.middlewares=portainer-redirect-websecure
      - traefik.http.routers.portainer-websecure.entrypoints=websecure
      - traefik.http.routers.portainer-websecure.rule=Host(``)
      - traefik.tags=traefik-public
      - traefik.http.routers.portainer-websecure.tls=true
      - traefik.http.routers.portainer-websecure.tls.certresolver=myresolver
      - internal
      - traefik-public

    image: qoomon/docker-host
    restart: always
    cap_add: ["NET_ADMIN", "NET_RAW"]
      - traefik.enable=true
      - traefik.http.middlewares.webmin-redirect-websecure.redirectscheme.scheme=https
      - traefik.http.routers.webmin-web.rule=Host(``)
      - traefik.http.routers.webmin-web.entrypoints=web
      - traefik.http.routers.webmin-web.middlewares=webmin-redirect-websecure
      - traefik.http.routers.webmin-websecure.entrypoints=websecure
      - traefik.http.routers.webmin-websecure.rule=Host(``)
      - traefik.tags= traefik-public
      - traefik.http.routers.webmin-websecure.tls=true
      - traefik.http.routers.webmin-websecure.tls.certresolver=myresolver
      - internal
      - traefik-public

Save and exit the editor.

Okay starting with the obvious, we are defining two new services called portainer and webmin-proxy. Portainer is a GUI for docker hosts. It allows us to manage containers and check logs remotely without having to use ssh. webmin-proxy uses a container image that maps all the ports on the host into the container. This essentially allows us to access ports on the host server from inside our docker internal bridge network. We use this to forward traffic from Traefik to Webmin running on Ubuntu.

Now the new stuff, docker labels. We use labels to tag pieces of information to containers. Traefik reads these labels and configures itself.

The syntax for Traefik labels matches the nested path it follows in the File configuration. So if we need to define a router we would use traefik.http.routers.<routerName>.rule.

So for each of the above services, we use

  • traefik.http.middlewares.<middlewareName>.redirectscheme.scheme to redirect traffic on http to https.
  • traefik.http.routers.<routerName-web>.rule for the router on the http entry point
  • traefik.http.routers.<routerName-websecure>.rule for the router on the https entry point
  • traefik.tags= traefik-public to tag the container with traefik-public
  • to indicate to Traefik to use the traefik-public network to communicate with this container.
  • traefik.http.routers.<routerName-websecure>.tls=true to enable tls on the websecure entry point
  • traefik.http.routers. <routerName-websecure>.tls.certresolver=myresolver to tell Traefik to use myresolver to fetch Let’s Encrypt Certificates.

Step 4 - Deployment

We need to reconfigure Webmin to honour redirects on the proxy host and port.

sudo nano /etc/webmin/miniserv.conf

And set the following lines, if any are missing, add them at the end of the file:

redirect_port=443 #use 80 if http only

Now we edit the file /etc/webmin/config to add our domain to the referrers line:

sudo nano /etc/webmin/config

Add the following line if it doesn’t already exist:

Remember to substitute with your actual domain or subdomain before proceeding.

We now open ports 80 and 443 in ufw:

sudo ufw allow 80
sudo ufw allow 443

You can now deploy your entire docker-compose stack with one command:

docker-compose up -d

You will be back at your prompt if all goes well.

Feel free to follow me on social media for more updates, and don’t forget to come back next week for Part 3 where we design an additional stack for Wordpress.

You can refer the repository here for the entire structure and final state of each file.